Team Work
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May 12, 2016C B Bhargava & Co. (CBB) was established in Feb 1968 as a tax litigation and advisory firm. It has since expanded to cover a wide array of tax, assurance, corporate and other financial advisory services. It has consistently ranked amongst the top professional advisory firms in India and has a well established reputation for delivering quality services to its clients.
CBB believes in providing services of the highest quality with the aim of adding value to each of its clients in a totally professional, independent and ethical manner.
CBB recognises that each client is unique with distinct needs, which must be fully comprehended and analysed in all aspects before the right solution can be offered. The firm aims to consistently provide customised solutions to each client, drawing on its wide range of practical experience across a multitude of industries.
Client first approach at the core has helped CBB build long-term professional relationships with its clientele that comprises leading public held companies and reputed Multinational Corporations. The steady growth of the firm is largely on account of continued faith of our existing clients and there references.
Since Inception, CBB has been guided by code of conduct and ethics of our profession ensuring at all times highest professional standards to our clients.
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Curabitur ut lacus nec dui ornare sceque Sitamet nisl. Nunc nisi neque.
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hendrerit. Praesent malesuada eleifend tincidunt. Donec dignise aligula
pretium mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Our Mission is to be the trusted partners in the growth story of our clients by providing Quality Service and setting Professional Excellence.
We believe that nothing is more important than our reputation, and behaving with highest levels of integrity is fundamental to who we are.
We communicate openly and honestly within our teams and clients. We believe in creating an ecosystem where information can flow freely between people and teams.
We exercise the highest professional standards in all our dealings by being knowledgeable and earnestly handling all responsibilities entrusted to the firm
We believe that any organisation exists because of its employees and in their wellbeing & growth lies the success of the organisation.
We believe in personal excellence of employees, excellence in client service and satisfaction, in the management of our own business and as members of our community and nation.
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pelntesque egestas at non ante ut molestie.
Partner C.B. Bhargava & Co. Chartered Accountants
Finance Manager
Accounting Clerk